Post cycle therapy after Turinabol use

Post cycle therapy after Turinabol use

PCT after taking Turinabol

PCT after taking Turinabol

When an athlete takes Turinabol for the last time, it will be important to restore the natural level of the male key hormone testosterone, to minimize the loss of quality muscle, to protect the liver or to establish its proper function, etc.

Proper PCT after a course of Turinabol:

  1. The return of the normal balance of sex hormones with a decrease in female production and an increase in male production. The natural ratio of estrogen to testosterone in a man’s body, including professionally engaged in any sport, is 1-200 mg. If an athlete has many hormones, the production of his is suspended for some time. Before normalizing the natural level of testosterone, wait until the body no longer has an artificially obtained hormone, taking into account the breakdown time of the active substance Turinabol.
  2. Restoration of libido levels and normal male spermatogenesis.
  3. Bring the liver to its previous state, as well as the level of bilirubin, which will help cortisol.
  4. Cholesterol control – a balanced diet with lots of fatty fish.
  5. Reduces the amount of cortisol hormone, that is, reduces the training intensity.

Most often on PCT use:

  • Letrozole, which blocks estrogen, also stimulates good production of your testosterone. On a course with steroids, it is taken only in parallel with high aromatization.
  • Dostinex, which fights prolactin. Helps restore testosterone production. Used after Trenbolone – Nandrolone.
  • Clomiphene citrate or Clomid. It is a weak anti-estrogen that also helps boost your testosterone production.
  • Tamoxifen citrate, also known as tamoxifen. It is equipped with a powerful anti-estrogenic effect, stimulates the production of the hormone weaker than clomiphene citrate.
  • HCG, also known as human chorionic gonadotropin. It is a luteinizing hormone that can cause the testicles to produce a lot of testosterone.
  • Proviron – blocks the action of globulin, the phenomenon of aromatization, increases libido, which decreases during the steroid.
  • Karsil is essential for the restoration and protection of liver cells and the resumption of its normal function.
  • Metoprolol and enalalril are used to stabilize the pressure on PCT.
  • Growth hormone, insulin, glutamine and clenbuterol will help reduce the amount of cortisol hormone.
  • To restore cholesterol, they eat fatty fish, drink fish oil and omega-3 vitamins.
  • At the PCT, it is recommended to purchase BCAA amino acids, as well as a food supplement such as creatine, and vitamin complexes.

PCT drugs: Clomid and Tamoxifen

PCT drugs: Clomid and Tamoxifen

Clomid is a “next generation” drug. It is usually used on PCT after trenbolones, as well as nandrolones, in case of other steroid drugs it is advisable to take tamoxifen. Clomid is often chosen for PCT after Turinabol. Clomid is less toxic to the body but more expensive than Tamoxifen. However, it does not tend to reduce the amount of cholesterol that tamoxifen does.

Dosages of Clomid:

  • with a light treatment with steroids, use 50 mg for the first 15 days and 25 mg for another 15 days;
  • if the course was average, take 45 days: the first 30-50 mg and a further 15-25;
  • with a serious course you should take 45 days: the first 15 – 100, the next 15 – 50 and another 15 – 25 mg;
  • if the course was long and difficult for the body, the drug is taken for 45 days: the first 3 – 150, then 12 – 100, 15 – 50 and 15 – 25 mg.

Dosages of Tamoxifen:

  • an easy course involves the use of the drug for 30 days, 20 mg for the first 15 days and 10 mg for the rest;
  • with a medium course 45 days are taken: the first 30 at 20 mg, then at 10 mg;
  • a hard course for the body involves taking it for 45 days: 15 – 40 mg each, 15 – 20 mg each, 15 – 10 mg each;
  • if the course was extremely difficult, the drug is taken for 45 days: the first 3 80 mg each, then 12-40 mg each, 15 days 20 mg each and a further 15 days 10 mg each.

PCT after a course of Turinabol should be performed, especially if the course lasted more than 8 weeks and high doses were used, which professional athletes like to do individually. Taking high quality drugs will restore the work of all body systems that have suffered from taking this or other steroids.

Hepatoprotectors and choleretic drugs for PCT

Hepatoprotectors and choleretic drugs for PCT

It is not necessary to take hepatoprotectors and choleretic drugs on a course of steroids, but doctors, experienced athletes and trainers advise you to think about this problem.

Hepatoprotectors are drugs that can restore liver function, producing improved, high-quality regeneration of the organ at the cellular level. Choleric drugs help reduce a rather tangible strain, which increases when you take steroid medications, including Turinabol. Preparations of this plan perfectly stimulate the proper outflow of bile and facilitate its entry into the intestines, that is, they help maintain the bile ducts in good condition.

  1. Among the former, athletes often use Karsil. At PCT, it is recommended to buy Essentiale or Liv 52 medicines.
  2. Among choleretic drugs, you can stop the choice on Flamin, which consists of their dry extract of sandy immortelle.

On a course with steroids, it is recommended to eat only natural butter and olive oil as well as fish oil as a supplier of healthy fats.

Post-cycle rehabilitation therapy is a set of drugs that must be taken in order to return the functioning of the endocrine system to normal, increase the level of testosterone known to every professional athlete, restore liver cells, and so on. PCT, carried out after a course of AAS, in particular, Turinabol, is extremely important for restoring the natural level of hormones, minimizing muscle loss, which was gained on a solo steroid course, controlling and preventing the appearance of side effects, including gynecomastia and testicular atrophy.

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